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Resource ValueSet/FHIR Server from package signal.core.r4#0.2.10 (250 ms)

Package signal.core.r4
Type ValueSet
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source https://simplifier.net/resolve?scope=signal.core.r4@0.2.10&canonical=https://signalbhn.org/fhir/ValueSet/healthcare-service-procedure-code-cpt
Url https://signalbhn.org/fhir/ValueSet/healthcare-service-procedure-code-cpt
Status draft
Name HealthCareServiceProcedureCodeCPT
Title HealthCare Service Procedure Code CPT
Experimental False
Realm us
Authority hl7
Description Concepts of Procedure Code CPT from Uniform Service coding standard Manual, Colorado BHA.

Resources that use this resource

https://signalbhn.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/healthcareservice HealthcareService Profile

Resources that this resource uses

http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®)
http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®)


  "resourceType" : "ValueSet",
  "id" : "healthcare-service-procedure-code-cpt",
  "extension" : [
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg",
      "valueCode" : "pa"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status",
      "valueCode" : "draft"
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm",
      "valueInteger" : 1
  "url" : "https://signalbhn.org/fhir/ValueSet/healthcare-service-procedure-code-cpt",
  "name" : "HealthCareServiceProcedureCodeCPT",
  "title" : "HealthCare Service Procedure Code CPT",
  "status" : "draft",
  "experimental" : false,
  "description" : "Concepts of Procedure Code CPT from Uniform Service coding standard Manual, Colorado BHA.",
  "compose" : {
    "include" : [
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "concept" : [
            "code" : "00104",
            "display" : "Anesthesia for Electroconvulsive Therapy"
            "code" : "80305",
            "display" : "Drug screen, presumptive, optical observation "
            "code" : "80306",
            "display" : "Drug screen, presumptive, read by instrument "
            "code" : "82075",
            "display" : "Alcohol (ethanol); breath "
            "code" : "90785",
            "display" : "Interactive complexity add-on"
            "code" : "90791",
            "display" : "Psychiatric diagnostic eval"
            "code" : "90792",
            "display" : "Psychiatric diagnostic eval with medical services"
            "code" : "90832",
            "display" : "Psychotherapy w/ patient, 30 mins"
            "code" : "90833",
            "display" : "Psychotherapy w/ patient when performed with an E/M service, 30 mins"
            "code" : "90834",
            "display" : "Psychotherapy w/ patient, 45 mins"
            "code" : "90836",
            "display" : "Psychotherapy w/ patient when performed with an E/M service, 45 mins"
            "code" : "90837",
            "display" : "Psychotherapy w/ patient, 60 mins"
            "code" : "90838",
            "display" : "Psychotherapy w/ patient when performed with an E/M service, 60 mins"
            "code" : "90839",
            "display" : "Psychotherapy for crisis, first 60 mins"
            "code" : "90840",
            "display" : "Psychotherapy for crisis add-on, each add'l 30 mins"
            "code" : "90846",
            "display" : "Family psychotherapy without the member present"
            "code" : "90847",
            "display" : "Family psychotherapy with the member present"
            "code" : "90849",
            "display" : "Multiple-family group psychotherapy"
            "code" : "90853",
            "display" : "Group psychotherapy (other than of a multi-family group)"
            "code" : "90870",
            "display" : "Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)"
            "code" : "90875",
            "display" : "Individual psychophysiological therapy incorporating biofeedback with psychotherapy, 30 mins"
            "code" : "90876",
            "display" : "Individual psychophysiological therapy incorporating biofeedback with psychotherapy, 45 mins"
            "code" : "90887",
            "display" : "Interpretation or explanation of results of psychiatric, other medical examinations and procedures, or other accumulated data to family or other responsible persons, or advising them how to assist member"
            "code" : "96116",
            "display" : "Neurobehavioral Status Exam, first 60 mins"
            "code" : "96121",
            "display" : "Neurobehavioral Status Exam add-on, each add'l 60 mins"
            "code" : "96130",
            "display" : "Psychological testing evaluation by physician or other qualified health care professional, with interactive feedback to the member, family member(s) or caregiver(s), when performed, first 60 mins"
            "code" : "96131",
            "display" : "Psychological testing evaluation by physician or other qualified health care professional add-on, each add'l 60 mins"
            "code" : "96132",
            "display" : "Neuropsychological testing evaluation by physician or other qualified health care professional, with interactive feedback to the member, family member(s) or caregiver(s), when performed, first 60 mins"
            "code" : "96133",
            "display" : "Neuropsychological testing evaluation by physician or other qualified health care professional add-on, each add'l 60 mins"
            "code" : "96136",
            "display" : "Psychological or neuropsychological test administration and scoring by physician or other qualified health care professional, two or more tests, any method, first30 mins"
            "code" : "96137",
            "display" : "Psychological or neuropsychological test administration and scoring by physician or other qualified health care professional, two or more tests, any method, each add'l 30 mins"
            "code" : "96138",
            "display" : "Psychological or neuropsychological test administration and scoring by technician, two or more tests, any method, first 30 mins"
            "code" : "96139",
            "display" : "Psychological or neuropsychological test administration and scoring by technician, two or more tests, any method; each add'l 30 mins"
            "code" : "96146",
            "display" : "Psychological or neuropsychological test administration, with single automated instrument via electronic platform, with automated result only"
            "code" : "96372",
            "display" : "Therapeutic, prophylactic, or diagnostic injection (specify substance or drug) subcutaneous or intramuscular"
            "code" : "97535",
            "display" : "Self-care/home management training (e.g., activities of daily living (ADLs) and compensatory training, meal preparation, safety procedures, and instructions in use of assistive technology devices/adaptive equipment) direct one-on-one contact by provider, each 15 mins"
            "code" : "97537",
            "display" : "Community/work reintegration training (e.g., shopping, transportation, money management, avocational activities and/or work environment/modification analysis, work task analysis, use of assistive technology device/adaptive equipment), direct one-on-one contact by provider, each 15 mins"
            "code" : "98966",
            "display" : "Telephone assessment and management provided by qualified non-physician health care prof, 5-10 mins"
            "code" : "98967",
            "display" : "Telephone assessment and management provided by qualified non-physician health care prof, 11-20 mins"
            "code" : "98968",
            "display" : "Telephone assessment and management provided by qualified non-physician health care prof, 21-30 mins"
            "code" : "99202",
            "display" : "New Pt Office or Other Outpt Visit w/ Straightforward MDM, typically 15-29 mins"
            "code" : "99203",
            "display" : "New Pt Office or Other Outpt Visit w/ Low MDM, typically 30 - 44 mins"
            "code" : "99204",
            "display" : "New Pt Office or Other Outpt Visit w/ Moderate MDM, typically 45 - 59 mins"
            "code" : "99205",
            "display" : "New Pt Office or Other Outpt Visit w/ High MDM, typically 60-74 min"
            "code" : "99211",
            "display" : "Established Pt Office or Other Outpt Visit not requiring a Physician"
            "code" : "99212",
            "display" : "Established Pt Office or Other Outpt Visit w/ Straightforward MDM, typically 10- 19 mins"
            "code" : "99213",
            "display" : "Established Pt Office or Other Outpt Visit w/ Low MDM, typically 20- 29 mins"
            "code" : "99214",
            "display" : "Established Pt Office or Other Outpt Visit w/ Moderate MDM, typically 30 - 39 mins"
            "code" : "99215",
            "display" : "Established Pt Office or Other Outpt Visit w/ High MDM, typically 40 - 54 mins"
            "code" : "99221",
            "display" : "Initial hospital care with Straightforward or low level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 40 minutes"
            "code" : "99222",
            "display" : "Initial hospital care with Straightforward or low level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 55 minutes"
            "code" : "99223",
            "display" : "Initial hospital care with Moderate level of medical decision making, if using time, at least 75 minutes"
            "code" : "99231",
            "display" : "Subsequent hospital care with straightforward or low level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 25 minutes"
            "code" : "99232",
            "display" : "Subsequent hospital care with moderate level of medical decision making, if using time, at least 35 minutes"
            "code" : "99233",
            "display" : "Subsequent hospital care with moderate level of medical decision making, if using time, at least 50 minutes"
            "code" : "99234",
            "display" : "Initial hospital care with same-day admission and discharge with straightforward or low level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 45 minutes"
            "code" : "99235",
            "display" : "Initial hospital care with same-day admission and discharge with moderate level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 70 minutes"
            "code" : "99236",
            "display" : "Initial hospital care with same-day admission and discharge with high level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 85 minutes"
            "code" : "99238",
            "display" : "Inpt Hospital Discharge, 30 mins or less"
            "code" : "99239",
            "display" : "Inpt Hospital Discharge, More than 30 mins"
            "code" : "99242",
            "display" : "Outpatient consultation with straightforward medical decision making, if using time, at least 20 minutes"
            "code" : "99243",
            "display" : "Outpatient consultation with low level of medical decision making, if using time, at least 30 minutes"
            "code" : "99244",
            "display" : "Outpatient consultation with moderate level of medical decision making, if using time, at least 40 minutes"
            "code" : "99245",
            "display" : "Outpatient consultation with high level of medical decision making, if using time, at least 55 minutes"
            "code" : "99252",
            "display" : "Hospital consultation with straightforward medical decision making, if using time, at least 35 minutes"
            "code" : "99253",
            "display" : "Hospital consultation with low level of medical decision making, if using time, at least 45 minutes"
            "code" : "99254",
            "display" : "Hospital consultation with moderate level of medical decision making, if using time, at least 45 minutes"
            "code" : "99255",
            "display" : "Hospital consultation with high level of medical decision making, if using time, at least 80 minutes"
            "code" : "99281",
            "display" : "Emergency department visit for problem that may not require health care professional"
            "code" : "99282",
            "display" : "Emergency department visit with straightforward medical decision making"
            "code" : "99283",
            "display" : "Emergency department visit with low level of medical decision making"
            "code" : "99284",
            "display" : "Emergency department visit with moderate level of medical decision making"
            "code" : "99285",
            "display" : "Emergency department visit with high level of medical decision making"
            "code" : "99304",
            "display" : "Initial nursing facility care with straightforward or low level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 25 minutes"
            "code" : "99305",
            "display" : "Initial nursing facility care with moderate level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 35 minutes"
            "code" : "99306",
            "display" : "Initial nursing facility care with high level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 45 minutes"
            "code" : "99307",
            "display" : "Subsequent nursing facility care with straightforward level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 10 minutes"
            "code" : "99308",
            "display" : "Subsequent nursing facility care with straightforward level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 15 minutes"
            "code" : "99309",
            "display" : "Subsequent nursing facility care with moderate level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 30 minutes"
            "code" : "99310",
            "display" : "Subsequent nursing facility care with high level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 45 minutes"
            "code" : "99315",
            "display" : "Nursing Facility Discharge, 30 mins or less"
            "code" : "99316",
            "display" : "Nursing Facility Discharge, more than 30 mins"
            "code" : "99341",
            "display" : "Residence visit for new patient with straightforward medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 15 minutes"
            "code" : "99342",
            "display" : "Residence visit for new patient with low level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 30 minutes"
            "code" : "99344",
            "display" : "Residence visit for new patient with moderate level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 60 minutes"
            "code" : "99345",
            "display" : "Residence visit for new patient with high level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 75 minutes"
            "code" : "99347",
            "display" : "Residence visit for established patient with straightforward medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 15 minutes"
            "code" : "99348",
            "display" : "Residence visit for established patient with low level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 30 minutes"
            "code" : "99349",
            "display" : "Residence visit for established patient with moderate level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 40 minutes"
            "code" : "99350",
            "display" : "Residence visit for established patient with high level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 60 minutes"
            "code" : "99366",
            "display" : "Medical Team Conference w/ Interdisciplinary Team and Pt and/or Family and Participation by Nonphysician Health Care Professional, 30 mins or more"
            "code" : "99367",
            "display" : "Medical Team Conference w/ Interdisciplinary Team w/out Pt and/or Family and Participation by Physician, 30 mins or more"
            "code" : "99368",
            "display" : "Medical Team Conference w/ Participation by Nonphysician Health Care Professional, 30 mins or more"
            "code" : "99441",
            "display" : "Telephone E/M service by a physician or other qualified health care professional, 5-10 mins"
            "code" : "99442",
            "display" : "Telephone E/M service by a physician or other qualified health care professional, 11-20 mins"
            "code" : "99443",
            "display" : "Telephone E/M service by a physician or other qualified health care professional, 21-30 mins"
            "code" : "G0176",
            "display" : "Activity therapy, such as music, dance, art or play therapies not for recreation, related to care and treatment of member s disabling mental health problems per session, 45 mins or more"
            "code" : "G0177",
            "display" : "Training and educational services related to the care and treatment of member s disabling mental health problems per session, 45 mins or more"
            "code" : "H0001",
            "display" : "Alcohol and/or Drug (AOD) Assessment"
            "code" : "H0002",
            "display" : "Behavioral Health screening to determine eligibility for admission to treatment program"
            "code" : "H0003",
            "display" : "Alcohol and/or drug screening; laboratory analysis of specimens for presence of alcohol and/or drugs"
            "code" : "H0004",
            "display" : "Behavioral Health counseling and therapy, per 15 mins"
            "code" : "H0005",
            "display" : "Alcohol and/or drug services; group counseling by a clinician"
            "code" : "H0006",
            "display" : "Alcohol and/or drug services; case management"
            "code" : "H0007",
            "display" : "Alcohol and/or drug services; crisis intervention (outpatient)"
            "code" : "H0010",
            "display" : "Clinically managed residential withdrawal management: ASAM level 3.2WM, per diem"
            "code" : "H0011",
            "display" : "Clinically managed residential withdrawal management: ASAM level 3.7WM, per diem"
            "code" : "H0015",
            "display" : "Alcohol and/or drug services; intensive outpatient program"
            "code" : "H0017",
            "display" : "Behavioral Health; residential (hospital residential treatment program), without room and board, per diem"
            "code" : "H0018",
            "display" : "Behavioral Health; short term residential, without room and board, per diem"
            "code" : "H0019",
            "display" : "Behavioral Health; long term residential, without room and board, per diem"
            "code" : "H0020",
            "display" : "Alcohol and/or drug services; Methadone administration and/or service (provision of the drug by a licensed program)"
            "code" : "H0022",
            "display" : "Alcohol and/or drug intervention service (planned facilitation)"
            "code" : "H0023",
            "display" : "Drop-in Center/Behavioral Health Outreach"
            "code" : "H0024",
            "display" : "Behavioral Health Prevention Information Dissemination Service (One-Way Direct or Non-Direct Contact with Service Audiences to Affect Knowledge and Attitude)"
            "code" : "H0025",
            "display" : "Behavioral Health prevention education service"
            "code" : "H0027",
            "display" : "Alcohol and/or drug prevention environmental service (broad range of external activities geared toward modifying systems in order to mainstream prevention through policy and law)"
            "code" : "H0028",
            "display" : "Alcohol and/or drug prevention problem identification and referral service (e.g. student assistance and employee assistance programs), does not include assessment"
            "code" : "H0029",
            "display" : "Alcohol and/or drug prevention alternatives service (services for populations that exclude alcohol and other drug use e.g. alcohol free social events)"
            "code" : "H0030",
            "display" : "Behavioral Health, Hotline Services"
            "code" : "H0031",
            "display" : "Mental health assessment by non-physician"
            "code" : "H0032",
            "display" : "Mental health service plan development by non-physician"
            "code" : "H0033",
            "display" : "Oral medication administration, direct observation"
            "code" : "H0034",
            "display" : "Medication training and support, per 15 mins"
            "code" : "H0035",
            "display" : "Mental health partial hospitalization, less than 24 hours"
            "code" : "H0036",
            "display" : "Community psychiatric supportive treatment, per 15 mins"
            "code" : "H0037",
            "display" : "Community psychiatric supportive treatment, per diem"
            "code" : "H0038",
            "display" : "Self-help/peer services, per 15 mins"
            "code" : "H0039",
            "display" : "Assertive community treatment, per 15 mins"
            "code" : "H0040",
            "display" : "Assertive community treatment program, per diem"
            "code" : "H0043",
            "display" : "Supported housing, per diem"
            "code" : "H0044",
            "display" : "Supported housing, per month"
            "code" : "H0045",
            "display" : "Respite care services, not in the home, per diem"
            "code" : "H0047",
            "display" : "Alcohol and/or other drug abuse services; not otherwise specified"
            "code" : "H0048",
            "display" : "Alcohol and/or other drug testing; collection of handling only, specimens other than blood"
            "code" : "H1000",
            "display" : "Prenatal Care, At Risk Assessment "
            "code" : "H1002",
            "display" : "Care coordination prenatal/case management "
            "code" : "H1003",
            "display" : "Prenatal Care, at risk enhanced service, education "
            "code" : "H1004",
            "display" : "Prenatal follow up home visit"
            "code" : "H1011 ",
            "display" : "Family assessment by a licensed Behavioral Health professional"
            "code" : "H2000",
            "display" : "Comprehensive multidisciplinary evaluation"
            "code" : "H2001",
            "display" : "Rehabilitation program, per day"
            "code" : "H2011",
            "display" : "Crisis intervention service, per 15 mins"
            "code" : "H2012",
            "display" : "Behavioral Health day treatment, per hour"
            "code" : "H2014",
            "display" : "Skills training and development, per 15 mins"
            "code" : "H2015",
            "display" : "Comprehensive community support services, per 15 mins"
            "code" : "H2016",
            "display" : "Comprehensive community support services, per diem"
            "code" : "H2017",
            "display" : "Psychosocial rehabilitation services, per 15 mins"
            "code" : "H2018",
            "display" : "Psychosocial rehabilitation services, per diem"
            "code" : "H2021",
            "display" : "Community-based wrap-around services, per 15 mins"
            "code" : "H2022",
            "display" : "Community-based wrap-around services, per diem"
            "code" : "H2023",
            "display" : "Supported employment, per 15 mins"
            "code" : "H2024",
            "display" : "Supported employment, per diem"
            "code" : "H2025",
            "display" : "Ongoing support to maintain employment, per 15 mins"
            "code" : "H2026",
            "display" : "Ongoing support to maintain employment, per diem"
            "code" : "H2027",
            "display" : "Psychoeducational service, per 15 mins"
            "code" : "H2030",
            "display" : "Mental health Clubhouse services, per 15 mins"
            "code" : "H2031",
            "display" : "Mental health Clubhouse services, per diem"
            "code" : "H2032",
            "display" : "Activity therapy, per 15 mins"
            "code" : "H2033",
            "display" : "Multi-systemic therapy (MST) for juveniles, 15 mins "
            "code" : "H2034",
            "display" : "Halfway house"
            "code" : "H2036",
            "display" : "Alcohol and/or other drug treatment program, per diem"
            "code" : "S5150",
            "display" : "Unskilled respite care, not hospice; per 15 mins"
            "code" : "S5151",
            "display" : "Unskilled respite care, not hospice; per diem"
            "code" : "S9445",
            "display" : "Member education, not otherwise classified, non-physician provider, individual"
            "code" : "S9453",
            "display" : "Smoking cessation classes, non-physician provider, per session"
            "code" : "S9454",
            "display" : "Stress management classes, non-physician provider, per session"
            "code" : "S9480",
            "display" : "Intensive outpatient psychiatric (IOP) services, per diem"
            "code" : "S9485",
            "display" : "Crisis intervention mental health services, per diem"
            "code" : "S9976",
            "display" : "Lodging, per diem, not otherwise specified"
            "code" : "T1005",
            "display" : "Respite care services, 15 mins"
            "code" : "T1006",
            "display" : "Alcohol and/or substance use services, family/couple counseling "
            "code" : "T1009",
            "display" : "Child sitting services for the children of the individual receiving alcohol and/or substance use services"
            "code" : "T1012",
            "display" : "Alcohol and/or substance use services, skills development"
            "code" : "T1013",
            "display" : "Sign language or oral interpreter for alcohol and/or substance use services"
            "code" : "T1016",
            "display" : "Case management, 15 minutes "
            "code" : "T1017",
            "display" : "Targeted Case management, each 15 mins"
            "code" : "T2001",
            "display" : "Non-emergency transportation "
  "expansion" : {
    "timestamp" : "2023-07-31T18:35:33.1743667+00:00",
    "contains" : [
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "00104",
        "display" : "Anesthesia for Electroconvulsive Therapy"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "80305",
        "display" : "Drug screen, presumptive, optical observation "
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "80306",
        "display" : "Drug screen, presumptive, read by instrument "
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "82075",
        "display" : "Alcohol (ethanol); breath "
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "90785",
        "display" : "Interactive complexity add-on"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "90791",
        "display" : "Psychiatric diagnostic eval"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "90792",
        "display" : "Psychiatric diagnostic eval with medical services"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "90832",
        "display" : "Psychotherapy w/ patient, 30 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "90833",
        "display" : "Psychotherapy w/ patient when performed with an E/M service, 30 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "90834",
        "display" : "Psychotherapy w/ patient, 45 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "90836",
        "display" : "Psychotherapy w/ patient when performed with an E/M service, 45 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "90837",
        "display" : "Psychotherapy w/ patient, 60 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "90838",
        "display" : "Psychotherapy w/ patient when performed with an E/M service, 60 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "90839",
        "display" : "Psychotherapy for crisis, first 60 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "90840",
        "display" : "Psychotherapy for crisis add-on, each add'l 30 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "90846",
        "display" : "Family psychotherapy without the member present"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "90847",
        "display" : "Family psychotherapy with the member present"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "90849",
        "display" : "Multiple-family group psychotherapy"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "90853",
        "display" : "Group psychotherapy (other than of a multi-family group)"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "90870",
        "display" : "Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "90875",
        "display" : "Individual psychophysiological therapy incorporating biofeedback with psychotherapy, 30 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "90876",
        "display" : "Individual psychophysiological therapy incorporating biofeedback with psychotherapy, 45 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "90887",
        "display" : "Interpretation or explanation of results of psychiatric, other medical examinations and procedures, or other accumulated data to family or other responsible persons, or advising them how to assist member"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "96116",
        "display" : "Neurobehavioral Status Exam, first 60 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "96121",
        "display" : "Neurobehavioral Status Exam add-on, each add'l 60 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "96130",
        "display" : "Psychological testing evaluation by physician or other qualified health care professional, with interactive feedback to the member, family member(s) or caregiver(s), when performed, first 60 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "96131",
        "display" : "Psychological testing evaluation by physician or other qualified health care professional add-on, each add'l 60 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "96132",
        "display" : "Neuropsychological testing evaluation by physician or other qualified health care professional, with interactive feedback to the member, family member(s) or caregiver(s), when performed, first 60 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "96133",
        "display" : "Neuropsychological testing evaluation by physician or other qualified health care professional add-on, each add'l 60 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "96136",
        "display" : "Psychological or neuropsychological test administration and scoring by physician or other qualified health care professional, two or more tests, any method, first30 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "96137",
        "display" : "Psychological or neuropsychological test administration and scoring by physician or other qualified health care professional, two or more tests, any method, each add l 30 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "96138",
        "display" : "Psychological or neuropsychological test administration and scoring by technician, two or more tests, any method, first 30 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "96139",
        "display" : "Psychological or neuropsychological test administration and scoring by technician, two or more tests, any method; each add'l 30 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "96146",
        "display" : "Psychological or neuropsychological test administration, with single automated instrument via electronic platform, with automated result only"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "96372",
        "display" : "Therapeutic, prophylactic, or diagnostic injection (specify substance or drug) subcutaneous or intramuscular"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "97535",
        "display" : "Self-care/home management training (e.g., activities of daily living (ADLs) and compensatory training, meal preparation, safety procedures, and instructions in use of assistive technology devices/adaptive equipment) direct one-on-one contact by provider, each 15 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "97537",
        "display" : "Community/work reintegration training (e.g., shopping, transportation, money management, avocational activities and/or work environment/modification analysis, work task analysis, use of assistive technology device/adaptive equipment), direct one-on-one contact by provider, each 15 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "98966",
        "display" : "Telephone assessment and management provided by qualified non-physician health care prof, 5-10 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "98967",
        "display" : "Telephone assessment and management provided by qualified non-physician health care prof, 11-20 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "98968",
        "display" : "Telephone assessment and management provided by qualified non-physician health care prof, 21-30 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99202",
        "display" : "New Pt Office or Other Outpt Visit w/ Straightforward MDM, typically 15-29 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99203",
        "display" : "New Pt Office or Other Outpt Visit w/ Low MDM, typically 30 - 44 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99204",
        "display" : "New Pt Office or Other Outpt Visit w/ Moderate MDM, typically 45 - 59 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99205",
        "display" : "New Pt Office or Other Outpt Visit w/ High MDM, typically 60-74 min"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99211",
        "display" : "Established Pt Office or Other Outpt Visit not requiring a Physician"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99212",
        "display" : "Established Pt Office or Other Outpt Visit w/ Straightforward MDM, typically 10- 19 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99213",
        "display" : "Established Pt Office or Other Outpt Visit w/ Low MDM, typically 20- 29 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99214",
        "display" : "Established Pt Office or Other Outpt Visit w/ Moderate MDM, typically 30 - 39 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99215",
        "display" : "Established Pt Office or Other Outpt Visit w/ High MDM, typically 40 - 54 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99221",
        "display" : "Initial hospital care with Straightforward or low level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 40 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99222",
        "display" : "Initial hospital care with Straightforward or low level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 55 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99223",
        "display" : "Initial hospital care with Moderate level of medical decision making, if using time, at least 75 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99231",
        "display" : "Subsequent hospital care with straightforward or low level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 25 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99232",
        "display" : "Subsequent hospital care with moderate level of medical decision making, if using time, at least 35 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99233",
        "display" : "Subsequent hospital care with moderate level of medical decision making, if using time, at least 50 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99234",
        "display" : "Initial hospital care with same-day admission and discharge with straightforward or low level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 45 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99235",
        "display" : "Initial hospital care with same-day admission and discharge with moderate level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 70 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99236",
        "display" : "Initial hospital care with same-day admission and discharge with high level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 85 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99238",
        "display" : "Inpt Hospital Discharge, 30 mins or less"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99239",
        "display" : "Inpt Hospital Discharge, More than 30 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99242",
        "display" : "Outpatient consultation with straightforward medical decision making, if using time, at least 20 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99243",
        "display" : "Outpatient consultation with low level of medical decision making, if using time, at least 30 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99244",
        "display" : "Outpatient consultation with moderate level of medical decision making, if using time, at least 40 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99245",
        "display" : "Outpatient consultation with high level of medical decision making, if using time, at least 55 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99252",
        "display" : "Hospital consultation with straightforward medical decision making, if using time, at least 35 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99253",
        "display" : "Hospital consultation with low level of medical decision making, if using time, at least 45 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99254",
        "display" : "Hospital consultation with moderate level of medical decision making, if using time, at least 45 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99255",
        "display" : "Hospital consultation with high level of medical decision making, if using time, at least 80 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99281",
        "display" : "Emergency department visit for problem that may not require health care professional"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99282",
        "display" : "Emergency department visit with straightforward medical decision making"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99283",
        "display" : "Emergency department visit with low level of medical decision making"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99284",
        "display" : "Emergency department visit with moderate level of medical decision making"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99285",
        "display" : "Emergency department visit with high level of medical decision making"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99304",
        "display" : "Initial nursing facility care with straightforward or low level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 25 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99305",
        "display" : "Initial nursing facility care with moderate level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 35 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99306",
        "display" : "Initial nursing facility care with high level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 45 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99307",
        "display" : "Subsequent nursing facility care with straightforward level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 10 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99308",
        "display" : "Subsequent nursing facility care with straightforward level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 15 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99309",
        "display" : "Subsequent nursing facility care with moderate level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 30 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99310",
        "display" : "Subsequent nursing facility care with high level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 45 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99315",
        "display" : "Nursing Facility Discharge, 30 mins or less"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99316",
        "display" : "Nursing Facility Discharge, more than 30 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99341",
        "display" : "Residence visit for new patient with straightforward medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 15 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99342",
        "display" : "Residence visit for new patient with low level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 30 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99344",
        "display" : "Residence visit for new patient with moderate level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 60 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99345",
        "display" : "Residence visit for new patient with high level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 75 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99347",
        "display" : "Residence visit for established patient with straightforward medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 15 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99348",
        "display" : "Residence visit for established patient with low level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 30 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99349",
        "display" : "Residence visit for established patient with moderate level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 40 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99350",
        "display" : "Residence visit for established patient with high level of medical decision making, per day, if using time, at least 60 minutes"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99366",
        "display" : "Medical Team Conference w/ Interdisciplinary Team and Pt and/or Family and Participation by Nonphysician Health Care Professional, 30 mins or more"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99367",
        "display" : "Medical Team Conference w/ Interdisciplinary Team w/out Pt and/or Family and Participation by Physician, 30 mins or more"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99368",
        "display" : "Medical Team Conference w/ Participation by Nonphysician Health Care Professional, 30 mins or more"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99441",
        "display" : "Telephone E/M service by a physician or other qualified health care professional, 5-10 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99442",
        "display" : "Telephone E/M service by a physician or other qualified health care professional, 11-20 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "99443",
        "display" : "Telephone E/M service by a physician or other qualified health care professional, 21-30 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "G0176",
        "display" : "Activity therapy, such as music, dance, art or play therapies not for recreation, related to care and treatment of member s disabling mental health problems per session, 45 mins or more"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "G0177",
        "display" : "Training and educational services related to the care and treatment of member s disabling mental health problems per session, 45 mins or more"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0001",
        "display" : "Alcohol and/or Drug (AOD) Assessment"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0002",
        "display" : "Behavioral Health screening to determine eligibility for admission to treatment program"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0003",
        "display" : "Alcohol and/or drug screening; laboratory analysis of specimens for presence of alcohol and/or drugs"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0004",
        "display" : "Behavioral Health counseling and therapy, per 15 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0005",
        "display" : "Alcohol and/or drug services; group counseling by a clinician"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0006",
        "display" : "Alcohol and/or drug services; case management"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0007",
        "display" : "Alcohol and/or drug services; crisis intervention (outpatient)"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0010",
        "display" : "Clinically managed residential withdrawal management: ASAM level 3.2WM, per diem"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0011",
        "display" : "Clinically managed residential withdrawal management: ASAM level 3.7WM, per diem"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0015",
        "display" : "Alcohol and/or drug services; intensive outpatient program"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0017",
        "display" : "Behavioral Health; residential (hospital residential treatment program), without room and board, per diem"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0018",
        "display" : "Behavioral Health; short term residential, without room and board, per diem"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0019",
        "display" : "Behavioral Health; long term residential, without room and board, per diem"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0020",
        "display" : "Alcohol and/or drug services; Methadone administration and/or service (provision of the drug by a licensed program)"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0022",
        "display" : "Alcohol and/or drug intervention service (planned facilitation)"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0023",
        "display" : "Drop-in Center/Behavioral Health Outreach"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0024",
        "display" : "Behavioral Health Prevention Information Dissemination Service (One-Way Direct or Non-Direct Contact with Service Audiences to Affect Knowledge and Attitude)"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0025",
        "display" : "Behavioral Health prevention education service"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0027",
        "display" : "Alcohol and/or drug prevention environmental service (broad range of external activities geared toward modifying systems in order to mainstream prevention through policy and law)"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0028",
        "display" : "Alcohol and/or drug prevention problem identification and referral service (e.g. student assistance and employee assistance programs), does not include assessment"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0029",
        "display" : "Alcohol and/or drug prevention alternatives service (services for populations that exclude alcohol and other drug use e.g. alcohol free social events)"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0030",
        "display" : "Behavioral Health, Hotline Services"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0031",
        "display" : "Mental health assessment by non-physician"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0032",
        "display" : "Mental health service plan development by non-physician"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0033",
        "display" : "Oral medication administration, direct observation"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0034",
        "display" : "Medication training and support, per 15 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0035",
        "display" : "Mental health partial hospitalization, less than 24 hours"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0036",
        "display" : "Community psychiatric supportive treatment, per 15 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0037",
        "display" : "Community psychiatric supportive treatment, per diem"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0038",
        "display" : "Self-help/peer services, per 15 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0039",
        "display" : "Assertive community treatment, per 15 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0040",
        "display" : "Assertive community treatment program, per diem"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0043",
        "display" : "Supported housing, per diem"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0044",
        "display" : "Supported housing, per month"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0045",
        "display" : "Respite care services, not in the home, per diem"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0047",
        "display" : "Alcohol and/or other drug abuse services; not otherwise specified"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H0048",
        "display" : "Alcohol and/or other drug testing; collection of handling only, specimens other than blood"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H1000",
        "display" : "Prenatal Care, At Risk Assessment "
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H1002",
        "display" : "Care coordination prenatal/case management "
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H1003",
        "display" : "Prenatal Care, at risk enhanced service, education "
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H1004",
        "display" : "Prenatal follow up home visit"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H1011 ",
        "display" : "Family assessment by a licensed Behavioral Health professional"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H2000",
        "display" : "Comprehensive multidisciplinary evaluation"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H2001",
        "display" : "Rehabilitation program, per day"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H2011",
        "display" : "Crisis intervention service, per 15 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H2012",
        "display" : "Behavioral Health day treatment, per hour"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H2014",
        "display" : "Skills training and development, per 15 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H2015",
        "display" : "Comprehensive community support services, per 15 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H2016",
        "display" : "Comprehensive community support services, per diem"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H2017",
        "display" : "Psychosocial rehabilitation services, per 15 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H2018",
        "display" : "Psychosocial rehabilitation services, per diem"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H2021",
        "display" : "Community-based wrap-around services, per 15 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H2022",
        "display" : "Community-based wrap-around services, per diem"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H2023",
        "display" : "Supported employment, per 15 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H2024",
        "display" : "Supported employment, per diem"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H2025",
        "display" : "Ongoing support to maintain employment, per 15 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H2026",
        "display" : "Ongoing support to maintain employment, per diem"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H2027",
        "display" : "Psychoeducational service, per 15 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H2030",
        "display" : "Mental health Clubhouse services, per 15 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H2031",
        "display" : "Mental health Clubhouse services, per diem"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H2032",
        "display" : "Activity therapy, per 15 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H2033",
        "display" : "Multi-systemic therapy (MST) for juveniles, 15 mins "
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H2034",
        "display" : "Halfway house"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "H2036",
        "display" : "Alcohol and/or other drug treatment program, per diem"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "S5150",
        "display" : "Unskilled respite care, not hospice; per 15 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "S5151",
        "display" : "Unskilled respite care, not hospice; per diem"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "S9445",
        "display" : "Member education, not otherwise classified, non-physician provider, individual"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "S9453",
        "display" : "Smoking cessation classes, non-physician provider, per session"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "S9454",
        "display" : "Stress management classes, non-physician provider, per session"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "S9480",
        "display" : "Intensive outpatient psychiatric (IOP) services, per diem"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "S9485",
        "display" : "Crisis intervention mental health services, per diem"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "S9976",
        "display" : "Lodging, per diem, not otherwise specified"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "T1005",
        "display" : "Respite care services, 15 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "T1006",
        "display" : "Alcohol and/or substance use services, family/couple counseling "
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "T1009",
        "display" : "Child sitting services for the children of the individual receiving alcohol and/or substance use services"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "T1012",
        "display" : "Alcohol and/or substance use services, skills development"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "T1013",
        "display" : "Sign language or oral interpreter for alcohol and/or substance use services"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "T1016",
        "display" : "Case management, 15 minutes "
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "T1017",
        "display" : "Targeted Case management, each 15 mins"
        "system" : "http://www.ama-assn.org/go/cpt",
        "version" : "6.0.0",
        "code" : "T2001",
        "display" : "Non-emergency transportation "
  "text" : {

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